chiyunghsieh: I saw your family picture.
wekasaja: ooo... yes
chiyunghsieh: That's good to have the idea.
wekasaja: yup... it is a very rare thing in my surrounding to have family photograph
wekasaja: i initiate it, because the children of my family went home when young
wekasaja: we need something to remind the best memory of our family
chiyunghsieh: You are a good elder.
wekasaja: :D i just try to be
chiyunghsieh: So you have a younger brother and a younger sister?
wekasaja: yup
wekasaja: ny sister leeve the house when she was 1st grade in senior hgigh schoool
wekasaja: and i leave when i was 12 years old
wekasaja: so actually we dont spend too much time together
chiyunghsieh: So you all study at a place far from home.
wekasaja: yup
wekasaja: boarding school,
chiyunghsieh: Your parents are so great !
wekasaja: yea.... but i regret because they dont let my youngest brother do the same
wekasaja: i think my sister and i experience to live far away from parent by going to boarding school
wekasaja: it make us more independent i think
chiyunghsieh: It said your sister didn't go home for 3 years. So long time?
wekasaja: yup... she go along with my cousin to other land
chiyunghsieh: Where is it?
wekasaja: welive in java island she go to sumatera island
chiyunghsieh: I see
chiyunghsieh: for study also?
wekasaja: yea, and also to help my cousin, because she is a new mother
wekasaja: to help the cousin, as well as to experience new opportunity in other land :D
wekasaja: so when she left the house about 5 years ago
wekasaja: i think it was hard for my mother to let her go, so for my sister
chiyunghsieh: I think so.
wekasaja: because i already go to
chiyunghsieh: Hi, Deni. What you write me is good material for your family history. You can put it onto your blog I think.
wekasaja: hmm.....
hmmmm... :) good post!